
2.1 Building

2.1 Building

Nowadays, there are various construction methods for both, wooden and concrete, homes. Our company designs, engineers, coordinates projects, and constructs timber frame houses. Parts of timber frame houses are made in the factory and then transported to the location. For frame buildings we use wood, because it is a natural and living material which has sufficiently low thermal conductivity, so the house is protected from heat.

Wooden houses


Production editing

Building works

Eco oils for wood

2.2 Glass and wooden constructions

2.2 Glass and wooden constructions

Wooden windows are not only modern but also traditional, functional in every size, suitable for Latvian conditions and construction projects. These windows provide ventilation air spaces and create a natural and lively environment.

Design windows and doors

Glazed facades

Glass roofs, sheds


Arcuate constructions beams

2.3 Outbuildings and wooden structures

2.3 Outbuildings and wooden structures

Glazed terraces or gazebos have advantage to expand the room they enable to „feel” the nature, even when there is snow or rain outside. Glazing terraces or gazebos usually are built with a glazed roofs giving an elegant and modern house looks and brings light and transparency in a visual dimension to the whole venue.

Verandahs, glazed terraces

Winter gardens

Arbours, pergolas

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Contract No.SKV-L-2018/206 "Improving international competitiveness".